New Age Channel Marketing

How does Old Marketing Channels compare to New Ones:

20 years ago brochures and direct mail were the best channel for marketing- now biggest sources are TV and online marketing including Social media. So,how much has it all changed and are these new channels effective enough? Do you need to discard the old completely.Some thoughts:

It's always better to integrate multiple channels based on your brand's user base. For eg. If your product has a strong user based across both online and offline users, then it is best to integrate TRADITIONAL marketing strategies with New age media tools and social connect for bringing users under one brand roof to engage with the brand. 

While digital channel is increasingly gaining importance across B2C and B2B, one needs a right balance of all marketing channels depending on the product or service and the target segment you are chasing. For ROI through digital channels including PPC online ads, webinars, content syndication, email campaigns - a strong nurture strategy is must for conversion of leads into business. If you are targeting CXO's of large corporations, you would still need to have traditional channels like industry conferences and custom hosted events to get instant face time with multiple prospects.

It all depends on the client, the tool and the target audience. When we can get extremely targeted, we're more successful. Search is a significant part of all client strategies, but we like to blend it with other tools for maximum impact.